Eastern India Cultural Association

Welcome to Eastern India Cultural Association.
A handful of residents from eastern part of Baroda felt that need of a cultural linkage between Bengali's of Gujarat. Together, we initiated the foundation of Eastern India Cultural Association (EICA) in 1984. The first activity carried out by EICA was Durga Puja which was held in a modest way, that year. That was the beginning which is continuing till date.
In this year 2023, we are celebrating 40 years of continuous services to all. Maintaining the culture for every ones growth and infinite helping hands.
From beginning, EICA got support of local residents, besides establishments and enjoyed the patronage of people from all regions of India residing in eastern part of Baroda. Since then, EICA has grown from strength to strength and added various other activities in its fold.
Today, EICA is one of the largest Bengali Association in and around Baroda and the functions including Poila Boishak, Indian Independence Day, Durga Puja, Kali Puja, Laxmi Puja, Sarasvati Puja and Holi. Sit and Draw completion for children and cultural evenings are held regularly.
EICA comes forward to social calls and contributes to the cause whenever needed.
We have very distinguished 500+ members, actively associated to various activities.
We welcome all the citizens of Eastern part of India to Baroda with open arms to join us and add to the strength even more.
EICA Trust.
Formation of CLUB Building.
EICA founded
Shri Arun Chakraborty President
Shri Prashanta Gupta Vice President
Shri Gautam das General Secretary
Shri Bhupal Dutta Asst. G. Secretary
Shri Sushanto Ghosh Treasurer
Shri Goutam Kar Asst.Treasurer
Shri Shakti Chakraborty Puja Secretary
Shri Saurabh Chatterjee Astt.Puja Secretary
Shri Sukhendu Bhattacharya Cultural Secretary
Shri Debjyoti Paul Asst. Cultural Secretary / IT Management
Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee Charity and Dignitaries management
Shri Sushanta kumar Ghosh Administrator
Shri Debasish Bose Internal Auditor/Funds Manager.
Shri Joy Mukherjee Pushpanjoly and Prasad Distribution.
Shree Vikas Gaur General Bhog.
Shri Purna Mandal Matri Bhog
Shri Arup Das Asst. Cultural Secretary Sub Committee
Shri Sushanta Jana Asst. General Bhog Sub Committee
Shri Bishwajit Das Sub committee
Shri Pranab Kumar Chatterjee Advisor